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Брой мнения : 35
Join date : 29.05.2008
Age : 34
Местожителство : В света На Магията

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ПисанеЗаглавие: За сериала   За сериала Icon_minitimeСъб Юни 14, 2008 3:54 am

За сериала Without_a_trace-show
За сериала 150668_811070202

В сериала участват:
Антъни Лапалия - Агент Джак Мълоун
Попи Монтгомъри - Агент Саманта Спейд
Енрики Мърсиано - Агент Дани Тейлър
Мариан Жан Батист - Агент Вивиан Джонсън
Ерик Клоус - Агент Мартин Фиджерълд

Малко резюме:
Сериалът „Безследно изчезнали” ни сблъсква с ежедневието на Специалния отряд към Федералното Бюро за Разследване, чиято единствена задача е издирване на изчезнали хора. С помощта на модерни техники за съставяне на психологични профили, специалистите разкриват подробности от живота на жертвите и се опитват да установят дали те са избягали, похитени, убити или сами са посегнали на живота си. Отрядът възстановява в детайли деня, в който жертвата е изчезнала, проследявайки действията й във всяка минута от последните двайсет и четири часа. Професионалистите се придържат към едно просто правило – разкрий какъв е изчезналият човек, за да разбереш къде е.

Агент Джак Мълоун е твърд, но състрадателен мъж, кален и проницателен професионалист, шеф на отряда. Той знае, че когато някой изчезне, всяка секунда е от огромно значение. В отряда още са Саманта Спейд, агент, под чиято привлекателна външност се крие сериозен и амбициран професионалист. Вивиан Джонсън е следовател със специално отношение към семействата на жертвите. Част от екипа са Дани Тейлър, Мартин Фицджералд - „парашутистът” назначен с връзки, който обаче бързо печели доверието на колегите си и най-новото попълнение Елена Делгадо.
И накрая епизодите от сезон 5 който в момента се излъчва по НОВА ТВ можете да намерите и да си ги дръпнете от ТУК

Ето и една допълнителна информацийка на английски:
An FBI Missing Persons Unit in Manhattan races the clock to crack cases by learning as much as possible about people who may have been kidnapped or killed, taken their own lives or simply wanted to disappear. A photo of an actual missing individual is shown at the end of each episode with instructions for viewers to contact a local FBI office with information on the person's whereabouts. Solidly written and performed, the series successfully challenged the Thursday-night dominance of `ER.'
Reader's Jeer of the Week: No Trace of Romance | Cheers & Jeers | 5/24/2008
Posted by Jennie1...Jeers to Without a Trace for completely ignoring the Danny (Enrique Murciano)/Elena (Roselyn Sanchez) love-story arc for an entire season. Last year's season finale showed that they were together, but in the 18 episodes of Season 6, they didn't even so much as share a look to indicate that they're still together. This is just sloppy writing. Viewers don't need lots of drama between them, just a look showing us they still care for each other. Please, WAT writers! Wake up and stop dropping storylines without explaining why.• Share your own raves and rants about other shows on the Reader Cheers & Jeers discussion board.• We may feature your Cheer or Jeer on TVGuide.com or in TV Guide magazine! read more
Upfront Day 3: CBS Enters Laughing | The Biz | 5/15/2008
Comedy is hard for network TV these days. But CBS thinks it's worth it. The network's big move for the 2008-09 season is to start a new sitcom block on Wednesday night. Encouraged by the strong post-strike ratings performance of its Monday line-up, CBS entertainment president Nina Tassler wants to see if The New Adventures of Old Christine can stand on its own at 8 pm on the night. The payoff could be big. Advertisers like sitcoms. They skew younger than most dramas. Their content is less problematic. Unlike serialized dramas, they can be repeated. And there are not a whole lot of them on in network prime time anymore.Can Christine cut it? Let's put it this way — the bar is pretty low. CBS started this season with Kid Nation, which was delivering less than a 2 rating in the advertiser-coveted demo of viewers aged 18-to-49. If Christine can do a 2-and-change, and the new comedy Project Gary can hold onto most of those viewers at 8:30, CBS will be ahead of the game. If either... read more
Fall TV: CBS Eyes Several Switcheroos | Today's News: Our Take | 5/14/2008
CBS has sent out its fall lineup, and in addition to adding five new series, the Eye is shuffling around three returning favorites.Old Christine, which to the surprise of many was plucked from ABC's anxious grasp and kept on at CBS, now will lead off Wednesday nights. That sets the table for Project Gary, a new comedy starring Jay Mohr as a recent divorcé. With Rules of Engagement on hold until midseason, Worst Week (Jericho's Kyle Bornheimer and Kitchen Confidential's Erinn Hayes are newly engaged) will join the Monday comedy block.CBS Tuesday still starts out with NCIS, but then continues with The Mentalist (starring Simon Baker) and Without a Trace (landing on a new night).Claiming Trace's Thurday-at-10 spot is Jerry Bruckheimer's Eleventh Hour. One of the perhaps oddest fits has The Ex List, a big ol' romantic dramedy, filling the Friday gap between Ghost Whisperer and Numbers.The Unit now calls Sundays-at-10 home. Harper's Island, a murder mystery, debuts midseason.... read more
Ratings: CSI Cops Best Numbers Since Sara Left | Today's News: Our Take | 4/4/2008
Thursday's tallies:8 pm/ETSurvivor topped the hour with 12.85 million total viewers. Trailing 5th Grader, My Name Is Earl placed third, returning to a typical audience of 7.49 mil. Miss Guided shed another 22 percent week-to-week, slipping to 4.56 mil.9 pmCSI was welcomed back by 20.4 million viewers, a significant bump from its last fresh outing and the series' biggest audience since Nov. 15, when Sara said, "Sayonara."10 pmWithout a Trace drew 15.4 mil, four percent over its season-to-date average. Eli Stone did 5.22, dropping 20 percent.Use our Returning Favorites Guide to get preview for Ghost Whisperer, Numbers and Battlestar Galactica, all of which come back tonight! read more
Without a Trace | TV Show Previews | 3/26/2008
Returns: Thursday, April 3, at 10 pm (CBS)Number of new episodes: 6Where we left off: Sam (Poppy Montgomery) told one-night stand Brian (Adam Kaufman, the real-life father of Montgomery's son, Jackson) that she was preg­nant. Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) showed compassion toward an escaped antiwar protester.What's next: Because of the strike, "we're using what we're calling a six-episode miniseries to jump-start our stories and acceler­ate our conclusions," executive producer Jan Nash says. Back with a bullet: Jack, who's already having a really bad year, catches a life-threatening bullet on April 3, the first new episode. "In the poststrike world," Nash says, "you gotta lead with your strongest suit." Human traffic stop: While Vivian (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) moves closer to tracking down sex-trafficking ringleader Franklin Ro­mar (Henry Thomas), Jack decides to take the case into his own hands. He goes after Romar's underling, the kidnapper of the young girl he had... read more
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